

从香港来深圳来追星 看看体坛嘉宾对安永佳的期望

﹤p ﹥﹤strong﹥体坛亚洲论坛﹤/strong﹥﹤/p﹥ ﹤p ﹥今年年初刚从广西平果哈嘹转会到深圳新鹏城的港脚安永佳是中国香港球迷眼里的明星。复活节假期,不少特地从中国香港来深圳游玩的香港球迷特地去宝安球场打卡,去看这位刚刚踢上中超的香港足球明星前锋。(点击这里)﹤/p﹥ ﹤p ﹥﹤img src﹦"https://resource.ttplus.cn/publish/app/data/2024/04/10/512266/80959631-6ff9-4412-a946-21034f635802.png" title﹦"1712755424488024791.png" alt﹦"Screenshot 2024-04-10 182009.png" /﹥﹤/p﹥ ﹤p ﹥体坛亚洲论坛的嘉宾萨姆就是其中一位从中国香港来到深圳来追星安永佳的球迷。我们听听中国香港球迷眼里的安永佳以及对他在中超表现的期望。﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥﹠quot﹔Matt Orr is born and braised by a Hongkong Chinese mother and New Zealand father. He started football training in HK. His football ability exhibited at Syracuse University and Kitchee garnered him a spot in the HK representative team, competing in the Asian Cup. ﹠quot﹔﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥﹠quot﹔安永佳由一位中国香港华裔母亲和新西兰父亲抚养长大。他在香港开始了足球训练。他在雪城大学和杰志展现出的足球才能,为他赢得了中国香港代表队的一席之地,参加亚洲杯比赛。﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥﹠quot﹔He is also one of the nicest and good looking players in HK football, attracted fans from all over the city, and never rejects photo taking.﹠nbsp﹔ ﹠quot﹔﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥他也是中国香港足球界最和蔼可亲、最帅气的球员之一,吸引了全城的球迷,并且从不拒绝球迷拍照合影。﹤/p﹥ ﹤p ﹥﹤img src﹦"https://resource.ttplus.cn/publish/app/data/2024/04/11/512266/2b916bde-32bb-4b4f-b812-57b9e3d32d1e.png" title﹦"1712818378057041127.png" alt﹦"1712818378057041127.png" /﹥﹤/p﹥ ﹤p ﹥﹤span ﹥安永佳和球迷﹤/span﹥﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥﹠quot﹔Orr joined Guangxi Pingguo Haliao in 2022, giving his best league performance to date, scoring 15 in 26 games in CL1 in 2023. ﹠quot﹔﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥安永佳于2022年加入广西平果哈嘹,至今交出了他最佳的联赛表现,2023年在中甲联赛中26场比赛打入15球。﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥﹠quot﹔He has shown amazing shooting technique and aerial superiority. With good support he can converted chances efficiently. ﹠quot﹔﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥他展现了惊人的射门技术和空中优势。在有好的中场支持下,他能高效地转化机会。﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥﹠quot﹔After succeses in Guangxi, Orr joins CSL side Shenzhen Peng City for new challenges. ﹠quot﹔﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥在广西的成功之后,安永佳加盟中超球队深圳鹏城,迎接新的挑战。﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥安永佳在加盟深圳新鹏城之后的评论。﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥﹤strong﹥﹠quot﹔I am very happy to be able to join this new team. Can come to the Chinese Super League. The team atmosphere is very good. ﹠quot﹔﹤/strong﹥﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥﹤strong﹥﹠quot﹔我自己很开心可以来到这个新的球队,可以来到中超。球队氛围非常好。﹠quot﹔﹤/strong﹥﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥﹤strong ﹥﹤/strong﹥﹤/p﹥ ﹤p ﹥﹤img src﹦"https://resource.ttplus.cn/publish/app/data/2024/04/11/512266/117e36a3-bdf6-4a45-8d11-6fb020261acc.png" title﹦"1712818459362046249.png" alt﹦"1712818459362046249.png" /﹥﹤/p﹥ ﹤p ﹥﹤span ﹥安永佳接受新的中超挑战﹤/span﹥﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥“However, Orr's days in Shenzhen have not been easy. He faces competition with other foreign forwards, including Edu Garcia and﹠nbsp﹔ Thiago. He only played 67 mins in CSL to date (note: as of March 30th.). It disappointed some fans who came to see him play.﹠nbsp﹔ ”﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥然而,安永佳在深圳的日子并不容易。他面临着其他外援前锋的竞争,包括埃杜﹠middot﹔加西亚和蒂亚戈。到目前为止(注:截至3月30日),他在中超联赛中只出场了67分钟。这让一些来看他比赛的球迷感到失望。﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥﹠quot﹔It takes time for players to adapt a new team. Also Orr has to adapt to face more physical and organized defense in CSL. His physicality and ball controlling need to be improved for him to handle a new level of football.﹠nbsp﹔ ﹠quot﹔﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥球员适应新队伍需要时间。安永佳还需要适应中超联赛中更为身体对抗性和组织性的防守。他的身体素质和控球能力需要提高,才能应对新的足球水平。﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥﹠quot﹔Some fans also criticize Orr's lack of goal in HK team, saying the intensity of CL1 is not enough for him to deal with interantional football. He also needs better decisions in game to provide passes to teammates ﹠quot﹔﹤/p﹥ ﹤p ﹥﹤img src﹦"https://resource.ttplus.cn/publish/app/data/2024/04/11/512266/03d28b27-de57-485c-8035-e0ccd66b0a97.jpg" title﹦"1712818822803009906.jpg" alt﹦"3.jpg" /﹥﹤/p﹥ ﹤p ﹥﹤span ﹥深圳以埃杜﹠middot﹔加西亚为首的外援的表现出色,安永佳还需要等待机会﹤/span﹥﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥一些球迷还批评安永佳在中国香港队缺乏进球,认为中甲的强度不足以让他应对国际比赛。他还需要在比赛中做出更好的决策,为队友提供传球。﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥﹠quot﹔Still, Orr's transfer brings some positives. Many HK fans travel to Shenzhen to watch him representing Shenzhen Peng City, and his example shows how a HK player can foster in mainland Chinese leagues.﹠nbsp﹔ ﹠nbsp﹔﹠quot﹔﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥尽管如此,安永佳的转会还是带来了一些积极面。许多香港球迷前往深圳观看他代表深圳鹏城比赛,他的例子显示了一位香港球员如何在中超中甲中成长。﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥﹠quot﹔Orr also encourages more HK players to play in Chinese league to seek improvements in career. Let's cheer for those who is pursuing their dreams!﹠quot﹔﹤/p﹥ ﹤p﹥“安永佳还鼓励更多中国香港球员参加中超中甲联赛,以寻求职业生涯的提高。让我们为那些追求梦想的人加油!﹠quot﹔﹤/p﹥ ﹤p ﹥﹤img src﹦"https://resource.ttplus.cn/publish/app/data/2024/04/11/512266/31328c1b-d7fb-4041-82e7-19812731fab6.png" title﹦"1712818602271089766.png" alt﹦"1712818602271089766.png" /﹥﹤/p﹥ ﹤p ﹥﹤span ﹥在深圳新鹏城队客场击败北京国安之后,安永佳发了社媒,为深圳新鹏城队喝彩﹤/span﹥﹤/p﹥



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